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Three signs you may need a blood test

Three signs you may need a blood test

Sometimes you notice that something is wrong in your body, but you are not sure what it is. Maybe you have a lot of headaches, often get dizzy, feel very weak lately or is something just "off"? A blood test can then give you insight into what your blood looks like and whether you have a deficiency or a surplus of a certain substance, for example. That's possible, and you won't know that without doing a blood test. The following signs may prompt a blood test.

You are tired and listless

If you are often tired lately, you often quickly write it off yourself. Because maybe you didn't sleep well, or you've been very busy the last few days, or maybe you even think it's a sign of laziness. However, fatigue can be a sign that something is wrong when it comes to your body and the amount of substances in your blood. For example, maybe you have anemia, or you are deficient in a certain substance. By doing a blood test, you will gain more insight into this and find out what you can do to get your energetic, vibrant self back.

You notice problems with an organ

In addition to measuring substances in your blood, a blood test also measures how various organs in your body function. Think of your heart, liver or kidneys. Is there a problem with any of these organs? Then that will probably be visible from a general blood test. So if you suspect that something is wrong with your heart or kidneys, for example, it is wise to have your blood tested. Does nothing come out? Then further steps can be taken to find out what the problem is.

You doubt your health

If you are someone who is not sure whether you are actually living a healthy life or not, a blood test can provide insight. Because are you getting enough vitamins? Are your sugar levels right, or are they too high or even too low? What is the iron level in your blood? These are all things that are important to a person and if you understand this, you can improve it or worry less about how healthy you really are. That's nice, and of course it doesn't hurt to know for sure.

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