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Do not feel like cooking? With these tips you can cook tonight

Everyone has a day like this:you don't feel like cooking. Especially if you only cook for yourself, it is tempting to order something or skip dinner. You can cook tonight with these tips.

1. Cook a dish you know
'If you don't know what to cook, cook what you know.' Everyone has a number of dishes in his or her repertoire that are easy and quick to make. Preferably with ingredients you already have at home. It doesn't have to be an extensive meal:a quick wrap, grilled chicken with some salad, scrambled eggs or stir-fried vegetables with noodles. This quick fix prevents you from having a meal delivered to your home. We're curious about your favorite quick recipe. Share the recipe in a comment.

2. Invite a friend
Finally time to catch up and when there are visitors, you have to put something on the table. Or take it slicker and make sure you meet at her house. Next time with you again.

3. Prepare something still in the freezer
Who knows, there might still be a frozen soup or a bowl of pasta sauce in your freezer. This way you can put a healthy meal on the table for yourself relatively quickly.

What's your best solution if you don't feel like cooking?