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A little Tip for Regaining Appetite.

A little Tip for Regaining Appetite.

A small temporary loss of appetite is not always worrying . It could be a bit of fatigue or a bit of stress. It doesn't necessarily last very long.

There is a very simple little trick to reboost your appetite before you worry, I'll give it to you right away!

The Gentian Trick

A little Tip for Regaining Appetite.

Do you know this little yellow plant miraculous? No?

Those who like Suze are familiar with its bitter but not unpleasant taste.

This plant has the virtue of restoring the appetite.

After all, Suze is an aperitif... and aperitif means "opening up your appetite".

How to Consume it?

A little Tip for Regaining Appetite.

For my part, I recommend the infusions . You find them in organic stores, on the Internet, more rarely in supermarkets, but it happens. They sell at the same price than other infusions.

Otherwise, if you find it in nature, you can concoct your own infusions, or even make your own gentian wine . Do you have the recipe ? Come on, I'll give it to you, it's good because it's you :

- clean and brush 2 to 3 grams of gentian roots,

- cut them into small pieces,

- macerate in 1/2 glass of fruit alcohol at 40° for 2 days,

- add 1 bottle of good dry white wine,

- add 18 sugar cubes,

- filter after 10 days and bottle.

It's ready. But I remind you that it's bitter , We must love ! In moderation, of course.

What do you think of the idea of ​​gentian to regain your appetite? Tell me in the comments.