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4 Tips from Mom to Calm Infant Colic.

4 Tips from Mom to Calm Infant Colic.

Massages, belly carrying or herbal teas for breastfeeding mothers, I give you my tips for soothing infant colic.

Tested and approved by my son a few months ago.

We all know infant colic!

However, before declaring that it is inevitable and that there is nothing to do except let Baby scream while waiting for it to pass, there are a few very effective little tips.

1. Belly Massages Recommended by the Midwife

Even before Baby arrived, the midwife had shown us how to massage her little belly with her legs.

Lying on his back, legs bent over his stomach, he is made to perform clockwise movements, so as to massage his stomach with the knees.

After a few minutes, the cries of my little one decreased significantly.

You can also do the same massage with your hand, but it is much less effective because the pressure is less strong.

2. Carry Baby in the Crook of the Arm or in a Sling

What calms some babies so quickly is carrying them, on their stomach, in the crook of their arm, with their head propped in their hands, and walking around the house like this.

The pressure of the arm on their little belly exerts a massage and they feel reassured to have their head resting in their hand.

Not necessarily obvious, however, for mums depending on the baby's weight!

In this case, you can opt for carrying in a sling , all against mom. The movements of the body allow a rocking motion beneficial to appeasement.

3. Herbal Teas for Mom

As I was breastfeeding when I had colic, I spent my days drinking linden and chamomile herbal teas.

Passing through milk, the calming and digestive properties of plants have a soothing effect which offers your baby a little respite.

4. Probiotics:My Pediatrician's Tip

Finally, our pediatrician also prescribed us probiotics, which help the digestive system infants to grow faster. And there, I say yes!

We quickly noticed the improvement, which relegated the other remedies to the background! It is enough to give Baby three drops a day for three to four weeks.

Be careful, probiotics being living organisms, you have to be careful to keep the bottle in the fridge.

On the cost side, our mutual company took charge of the entire sum, of which a very small part was reimbursed by Social Security.

In any case, don't panic:depending on the brand, it costs between €3 and €6 per bottle.

This episode is behind us (the colic stops by itself around 3-4 months, when the digestive system is well in place) but if you have other tips, I'll take the following ones! Leave me your remedies in comments.