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Radioactivity:My Naturopath Advice for Protecting Yourself.

Radioactivity:My Naturopath Advice for Protecting Yourself.

Food is an inexhaustible source of protection against the vagaries of life . Against radioactivity, some are more resistant than others. This is particularly the case with miso soup.

Atomic explosions and other major nuclear disasters are not the only dangers. The risks of being irradiated can arise anytime and anywhere. We are constantly exposed to all kinds of harmful radiation. So hop hop, we eat better and we protect ourselves . It's always taken!

1. Miso Soup

Miso soup is one of the essential elements of a traditional Japanese meal. The main ingredient is miso which is made from fermented bean and soybean paste and salty.

Carrot produces beta-carotene to protect against heat and UV rays and suddenly, it is also very good to eat to protect our skin from the sun in summer. For miso, it's the same principle.

It was a Japanese friend who, after the disaster at the Fukushima nuclear power plant, reassured me by telling me that he could still continue to cook miso soups (of course, as long as the cultivation of soybeans is still authorized) . I will always admire this courage and dignity that the Japanese have.

Miso soup is so good and comforting. Miso has an incredible ability to absorb and eliminate radiation . Thus, our cells are protected. So, might as well abuse it.

2. Gingko Biloba

After Hiroshima, Gingko Biloba was the tree with the fastest regrowth rate, thanks to an excellent disease resistance rate , parasites, pollution and above all radioactive radiation.

Ginkgo is used in traditional Chinese medicine since antiquity. Particularly rich in flavonoids, it's a safe bet that its anti-radioactive properties can also be very beneficial for us, at least in prevention.

3. The Other Ingredients to Favor

To protect myself from radioactivity and strengthen my natural defences, I then favor foods rich in fiber which are particularly effective in detoxifying our body from harmful minerals and metals:

- Apples , citrus fruits, strawberries, soya and carrots rich in pectins

- Whole grains, peas and beans , rich in phytates

-seaweed blue and green edible like Kelp or red like Dulse

- the two precious condiments for health that are the onion and garlic

- And as usual, we don't forget the vegetables galore (broccoli, cabbage, beets, etc.). I will never repeat it enough.

- Finally, in food supplements, we find once again ginseng and pollen , which should be part of our daily cooking as their virtues are innumerable and excellent.

Getting out of nuclear power is possible, but it happens first on the plate !

And you, what do you do to protect yourself as much as possible from radioactivity? Come and share your advice in the comments.